Saturday, May 19, 2012

Today is a Saturday for crime shows and leftovers

I'm in Houston spending time with my dad for 8 days, and today our plan was to take a day trip to Galveston, but as most know, plans get interrupted. My poor dad woke up this morning with agonizing back pain, a risk you run when you've celebrated 55 birthdays. But this day can't possibly be ruined by aching joints because the Lord has been so good to us and given time to just sit and be with one another.
 I went to the exercise room for a while and ran three miles and worked out on the ellipticals so I could get my energy out, and now we're watching Law & Order Criminal Intent together and drinking some coffee. It's more precious to me to glance over and see my dad smiling back at me than attempting to manipulate our way through a touristy crowd.  My dad and I are more alike than I realize sometimes. We both enjoy being out and about, but are content just relaxing together.
Another thing I've noticed is that when we talk, it's not a whole lot of mindless chatter about weather patterns and gas prices. It's intentional. We like to dig down deep and make each other laugh. I couldn't help but point out to him yesterday that a lot of our conversations conclude with a lot of, "yeah me too" "I'm the same way" "Same here" and "that's what I like to do too." It cracks me up. I love my parents. Praise my God for giving me a reflection of himself if my earthly dad. Praying my dad's back heals quickly!

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