Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to the most wonderful woman I've ever known! I could say a million wonderful things about my mom. She's selfless, she gets things done, and she is a hilarious dancer. Every single friend I've brought home from childhood to college has adored her welcoming spirit and joyful laughter. With my dad moving to Houston for his job, my mom has had to deal with quite a bit at home like working full time and caring for my brother, but there's no doubt she is fully capable. She is.

She loves only in a way that resembles Christ, and I am so lucky I get to experience true, motherly love not only as a gift to my current life, but for the future when I have my own kids. I've been given the greatest example of what a mother's love can do, how it can alter a childhood from good to constantly surrounded by adoration. I can't wait for the coming years (many MANY years from now) when I can watch my mom add "number one grandma" to her list of attributes. Lord knows she'll be the best. She really will.

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