I have spent the past few weeks prepping, browsing, panicking, wondering, writing, meeting, and plain 'ol stressing. Yes, yes I realize studying abroad in another country takes work, coroporation, and a whole lot of beurocracy. It's a lot, and I'll admit it, I'm tangled in the never ending web of paperwork, checklists, applications, and essays describing myself in a way that always induces my gag-reflex.
It's been quite the process, but we've made it.
Both Ben and I received our acceptance from the University of Minnesota this week: commence the madness!!
Fun linguistic side note: Commencer = to begin - in French.
Okay, well, it's fun for the English/French majors and the like. But really, I love catching phrases we've borrowed from those mustache-twirling, cigarette-smoking Frenchies.
Anyway, it's been a busy week, and I need to slow down and make a more life-giving list. One that does not require paperwork, signatures, or signing away every penny I have.
My Bible study is reading
One Thousand Gifts, and though the writing is fairly cheesy and difficult to take seriously at times, the notion that we get to choose joy is a wonderful one. I love the idea of an on-going list of things I would not normally consider "gifts" because they become so embedded in my day-to-day.
Here goes.
October gifts:
When all of the documents at work open up on the first try
Phone calls from my favorite person
Walking to the bus stop as leaves fall to the ground
3-D movies with friends
Free popcorn
J. Crew emails
Parallel parking with David's assistance
Morning coffee
Laughing with my coworkers
Unexpected chats with Sunny at the dinner table
Reconnecting with old friends via text
Group messages
Jonagold apples
Mindless TV with the roomies
Red pepper flakes
Long weekend plans
All of my amateur photos of sun spilling into my favorite versions of home: