Friday, June 21, 2013

Whole30 Challenge

Hello friends!


I am beginning a 30 day look at what I eat, how I approach food, and how to become a healthier version of myself! I am keeping a separate blog to keep myself accountable and hopefully provide some inspiration for myself to keep going when I begin to wonder what the heck I was thinking.

You can follow my Whole30 experience right hrrr.

Should be a hoot!

Meaning I'm terrified, but don't worry, I already extensively listed every emotion I've ever felt about it in my first post. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's neurotically rambling about things that could be summed up into a sentence or two. But hey, we've all got our talents!

Just wanted to note that summer 2013 has been a memorable one. I don't want to glorify it with perfectly punctuated sentences about how these are the glory days of college livin'. There's still a lot to be learned, a lot of messes to overanalyze, and a lot of sweet corn to ingest. It's been a memorable one.


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