Monday, April 1, 2013

A Monday in April

Monday Things:
-Persnickety scraps of food in my wisdom teeth holes (there's a graphic image)
-Confusion with a syringe for said food
-Changing outfits an embarrassing number of times
-116 pages of a questionably modernist novel
-A quiz over a book for which I mistakingly read 1 chapter too short

Grateful Things:
-Alexi Murdoch
-Registration for my last semester at UNL
-Several productive hours in Starbucks
-Entertaining Snapchats from all over
-Away We Go
-Leftover Easter beans and ham for lunch
-Grandma's Sweater

-Distant summer job thoughts
-A layer of gravel dust covering my chucks
-Simple, but necessary, words of wisdom
-Family conference calls
-Lists of books to be read
-Looming goodbyes

The promise of Psalm 46:5
God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.

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