Sunday, February 24, 2013

Should you shake my ash to the wind Lord, forget all of my sins or let me die where I lie 'neath the curse of my lover's eyes

The Lord says:
“These people come near to me with their mouth
    and honor me with their lips,
    but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me
    is made up only of rules taught by men. Therefore once more I will astound these people
    with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
    the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.

-Isaiah 29:13-14

Sometimes the Lord speaks in whispers, sometimes in the melody of your favorite song, and occasionally, He reminds you of who you are the morning you skipped church because you were too exhausted and felt like hiding all of the things you had not gotten done. This doesn't make me worse, it makes me redeemed.

The thing is, I am those Israelite people. My heart does run away from God towards things I deem best, things I imagine will write the best story. Does this mean I can't dream? Of course not, but the things I tend to place value in are completely invaluable compared to the wholeness, the worth I have in God who, even after my attempts to figure it all out without Him, longs to ASTOUND me with wonder upon wonder. Whatever that means. He is worth giving up my life for.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


....Nebraska I think you may have missed a vital element here, but I'll take it!

I'll never get tired taking the same pictures of this house from slightly different angels. It's mine, and I wouldn't change a thing. Not even the high-pitched squeak from an amateur-recorder coming from the basement or the occasional unidentifiable bug found in the shower.

If I had to narrate this morning, I would let Ludovico Einaudi do it for me.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Another Sunday List

It's the kind of gloomy day where THIS plays on repeat. It's my absolute favorite.

And I will tell the night 
Whisper, "Lose your sight" 
But I can't move the mountains for you

Things about today:
Woke up from restless sleep
Prepared coffee
Guiltily said goodbye
Read 40 pages of "The Bluest Eye"
Threw hair on top of head
Glass of water
Read 30 pages of "To the Lighthouse"
161 to go
Prayed for by a beloved friend
Yoga so my body could feel something
Frantically get ready for work
Parallel park
Contemplate Paris
Hear my voice sound false

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Within and Without

Ahh, artsy and pretentious.

But really, I love this coffee shop and thought I'd give a little snapshot into my typical weekends (while also avoiding homework, let's be serious).

But I DID indeed go shopping this morning with Carlee at Trader Joe's and Target, which was absolutely lovely. I know there will come a day when that's simply not my life anymore, random day trips and errands with friends will not look the same, so I cherish the times I have now. I also am working on writing the first chapter of my novel for my creative writing class (meaning when I try and force-feed a word document intelligent dialogue and relevant description, nothing comes out, so I will wait for the mood to strike around 3am like it usually does), and reading The Great Gatsby for Tuesday. I need that book for two classes, so I finished the assignment (3 weeks early!) that uses chapter two of it, and am now going to witness Tom Buchanan become even more of a d-bag and Daisy listen to the sound of nothingness even more closely.

Study playlist snippets today:

Curs in the Weeds by Horse Feathers

Pas De Deux - Nutcracker - by Tchaikovsky

So Long Lonesome by Explosions in the Sky