Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Procrastination at it's finest.

Even though I am at Starbucks to be productive (snort), I thought it would be much more enjoyable to post some wedding pictures from the weekend. There aren't many, but the ones I do have are worth posting! It was my first wedding *pause for jaws to drop and gasps erupt* and it was lovely. Praise God for such a beautiful day!

After the ceremony-woohoo marriage!
Sunny and I with our beautiful Toria who was her sister's Maid of Honor
Anna and Laura-two absolutely gorgeous women of God!
Shine and Line. Yep, we're just that obnoxious.
Rebecca's college Bible study came (including Anna!)
Sunny and I with sweet Kylie-love this girl so dearly!
Mr. and Mrs. Ayala!

It was a day worthy of all praise! I am grateful the Lord allowed me to play apart in their day (by Sunny and I guarding the cupcake table, obviously). But really, getting to witness their first day of marriage and dance my pants off was a wonderful experience! Yay God!

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