Saturday, October 27, 2012

Could It Be Another Change?

Happy October morning my dear friends!

I have been positively giddy over the notion that this saturday morning is my own (I really need to stop posting about Saturday mornings, I'm sure it gets old). However, it's been quite a while since I've spent some time with a blank word document.
The past several weekends have been overflowing with joy, laughter, truth, long drives, hard questions, pictures of the future, prayer of all kinds, and too much caffeine. I don't even have pictures to sift through the october weeks with, but I have words. Fall break was an incredible blessing and got to spend 5 days in my Minnesota home with my people.
football games
late night laughter
morning coffee with the parents
gulps of the future
listless evenings
afternoon walks
naps with the puppy
purple comforters

And then there is home. Here home. Home with dusty blinds and no heat. Home that houses evening prayers with sisters that fill my heart. Home where Gilmore Girls doesn't have to turn off. Home of the mini-dishwasher and wannabe-artsy picture frames. Home of fuzzy slippers and as much coffee as we please. Home of my current life. I will not forget this home. Home that housed squealing, giggly girls for a sleepover three weeks ago. Home of spontaneous dolphin noises and dramatic facial expressions. Home to three daughters of the Almighty (and a hispanic family in the basement....)

"Ahh, Home
Let me come Home
Home is wherever I'm with you"

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