Saturday, August 25, 2012

You know what?

I like adventures. I like the romanticism that spills from my tongue when I follow the typical, "how was your summer?" with "backpacking through Europe." I like sloppy grammar mistakes when the content of your writing is more important than your three incorrect comma placements. I like climbing enormous trees and spending an obscene amount of time ontop of childhood playgrounds. I like paperback books that are so worn it looks like you beat them at night in your spare time. I like movies that end with classical music. I like warm clothes out of the dryer. I like mornings. I like the way ideas spill onto a blank page. I like acoustic guitar's that know which chords make you cry. I like old movies and cliche Pride and Prejudice quotes. I like books more than I've ever like anything. I like back porches. I like that stolen glance out a window where you breathe deep and just feel alive. I like the sounds of home. I like running through mud and challenging my body to keep racing. I like midnight runs to wal-mart and laughter that a car is too small to contain. I like playful punches. I like the hug that follows a lengthy separation. I like hot coffee. I like writing at inopportune times. I like a mom's perspective and a grandma's sass. I like spending the day watching full tv series in pajamas. I like when God knows more than you, which is always, but I like when He makes it real.

And I LOVE this heavenly Father of mine who makes life possible, bearable, do-able, lovable by his perfect, tender care. Thank you Jesus for making this feeble girl with much hurting a woman with the confidence to love the future more than the "right" things to say.

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