Wednesday, April 17, 2013

So much precipitation.

I cannot quite express how much today sounds exactly like THIS SONG.

Oh Iron & Wine, how you slay me with your thick beard and half-whispers.

Wishing this writing space was mine (thanks a lot Pinterest for your faulty expectations of idealized life and "writing nooks") as I attempt to piece together fragments of characters I've left unattended amongst a pile of nearly-forgotten word documents. I had no idea so many short blips of conversation between my characters and spur-of-the-moment-monologues would turn into over 50 pages of (hopefully usable) text.

God has been so faithful.

It's Wednesday. It's raining. It's quiet.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekends are for late nights and "maybe laters"

"I'm just saying maybe we need to start looking up to the people who straight up suck at most of the things Jesus asks us to do. The ones who bear fruit because they ABIDE not because they're good at what they do. The ones who actually, truly, deeply, wildly need His grace, they don't just know how to talk about it."
- Words that spoke to me today from THIS new blog-find

My brain is not fully functional at the moment. I have had zero coffee and looked in the mirror before I frantically left for work this morning for maybe 2.5 seconds. Enough to sigh and wish I had a stronger ponytail and time for mascara.

This is college life.

Where papers are written at all hours and grades are distributed only to be quickly forgotten as we sprint into the warm summer days (or luke-warm days depending on where in the midwest you are this year). It is chaos. It is selfish. It is exhausting. It is full of Jesus and a lot of faults.

I keep half-watching "Pretty Woman" (due to my love of all things Julia Roberts) but continue to find half-distractions in my half-awake stupor as I half-text, half-tweet, half-read, half-write.
This is not just poetic discourse. I'm pretty dead-tired, people.

I can honestly say though, that I actually, truly, deeply, wildly NEED God's grace (even more than sleep), and I'm still figuring out how to talk about it.

<--Soy milk made me sick yesterday, so I'm craving some cereal right about now that is lactose-FREE - Almond/Rice/Poop milk anyone?

This just looked swoon-worthy. 
Je ne peux pas attendre plus longtemps jusqu'à ce que les croissants et le café sont ma routine du matin

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Monday in April

Monday Things:
-Persnickety scraps of food in my wisdom teeth holes (there's a graphic image)
-Confusion with a syringe for said food
-Changing outfits an embarrassing number of times
-116 pages of a questionably modernist novel
-A quiz over a book for which I mistakingly read 1 chapter too short

Grateful Things:
-Alexi Murdoch
-Registration for my last semester at UNL
-Several productive hours in Starbucks
-Entertaining Snapchats from all over
-Away We Go
-Leftover Easter beans and ham for lunch
-Grandma's Sweater

-Distant summer job thoughts
-A layer of gravel dust covering my chucks
-Simple, but necessary, words of wisdom
-Family conference calls
-Lists of books to be read
-Looming goodbyes

The promise of Psalm 46:5
God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.